| With Strength and Spirit


Autism Provision by NHS Primary Care Trust 2012

Unfortunately, as I was partially through uploading all of the results of my FoI requests, The Health and Social Care Act 2012 abolished the Primary Care Trust system and replaced them with the Clinical Commissioning Groups, rendering all of my work irrelevant at a stroke. In frustration, I abandoned the project halfway through, but you can continue to see the work that I had completed below. 

Obtaining an autism assessment through the NHS is a byzantine process which varies hugely from postcode to postcode. I started a project of obtaining details of provision of adult and services for adults and children from every Primary Care Trust in the country, so that parents and autistic people could find out how best to access NHS services.

I asked each PCT, or regional equivalent, to answer six questions:

  1. How many adults they have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (with any separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA) in the area;
  2. How many children;
  3. What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children;
  4. What agencies or teams exist that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc.
  5. An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible.
  6. What the typical process should be for an adult in the area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support.

Each PCT seems to do things differently, with some telling me that the NHS isn’t responsible for keeping statistics on autistic people to the lovely person who created a table for me indicating number of registered autistic adults in their area, by form of autism, for every year since 2007.

If you see a “responded” in the table but the documents aren’t there, that’s because I have not yet redacted/renamed the response sent. If you are looking for that information, please contact me here and I will prioritise it for you.

I’m also hoping to take this raw data and create charts/maps/ranking systems, to make it easier to compare and contrast different areas (and eventually shame the terrible ones into creating better services). If you have any skills in this area and would like to help, I would love to hear from you. Contact me here.


Contacted: The PCT has been contacted with the Freedom of Information request

Acknowledged: The PCT has sent a notice that the 20 day time period for the FOI has begun.

Responded: The PCT has sent the information requested or has not been able to find it.

Followed up: The PCT has not acknowledged the request, or has but never replied, and has been contacted again.

See…: Some PCTs have outsourced their FOI obligations to other PCTs, who have responded on their behalf.

NameFOI EmailStatus of RequestDocumentsLast UpdatedNotes
Ashton, Leigh and Wigan PCTfoi@alwpct.nhs.ukRespondedDoc16th August
Barking and Dagenham PCTfoi@nelft.nhs.ukSee North East London
Barnet PCTfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukSee North Central London9th October
Barnsley PCTFoI.FoI@barnsleypct.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Bassetlaw PCTfoi.requests@bassetlaw-pct.nhs.ukRespondedText13th January
Bath and North East Somerset PCTinfo@banes-pct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Bedfordshire PCTJulie.O'Brien@bedfordshire.nhs.ukRespondedText13th January
Berkshire East See Berkshire West9th October
Berkshire West Acknowledged9th October
Birmingham East and North PCTbham-solihull.foi@nhs.netSee Birmingham and Solihull (Joint Trust)Text16th August
Blackpool PCTfoi@blackpool.nhs.ukAcknowledged9th October
Bolton PCTfoi@bolton.nhs.ukResponded.Text3rd July
Bournemouth and Poole Teaching PCTfoi-requests@bp-pct.nhs.ukResponded20th July
Bradford and Airedale Teaching PCTJason.Joy@bthft.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Brent Teaching PCT
Brighton and Hove City PCTspctc.foi@nhs.netSee NHS SussexDocx23rd June
RespondedPDF19th July
Bromley North West London
Buckinghamshire PCTfoi@oxfordshirepct.nhs.ukRespondedDoc16th August
Bury PCTglenn.mosoph@nhs.netRespondedText28th August
Calderdale PCTinformation.officer@calderdale.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Cambridgeshire PCTKaron.Dahmer@cambridgeshirre.nhs.ukRespondedPDF26th July
Camden PCTfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukSee North Central London9th October
Central and Eastern Cheshire PCTchristopher.gray3@nhs.netRespondedPopulations only. No services.19th July
Central Lancashire PCTBeki.Pugh@staffordshirecss.nhs.ukRespondedDoc16th August
City and Hackney Teaching PCTJonathan.Ball@elc.nhs.ukSee North East London (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Cornwall and Isles Of Scilly PCTohn.Murphy@ciospct.cornwall.nhs.ukRespondedDoc11th July
County Durham PCTcd-pct.foi@nhs.netRespondedDocx9th July
Coventry Teaching PCTfoi@coventrypct.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Croydon PCTfoi@swlondon.nhs.ukSee South West London25th June
Cumbria Teaching Contacted9th October
Darlington PCTcd-pct.foi@nhs.netContacted9th October
Derby City PCTfoirequest@derbycitypct.nhs.ukSee Derbyshire County9th October
Derbyshire County PCTFOI@derbyshirecountypct.nhs.ukResponded9th October
Devon June, 2012
Doncaster PCTFOIDoncasterPCT@doncasterpct.nhs.ukRespondedText12th July
Dorset October
Dudley AugustResponsible for Wolverhampton?
East Lancashire Teaching PCTfoi@eastlancspct.nhs.ukAcknowledged9th October
East Riding Of Yorkshire PCTEroy-pct.FOI@nhs.netAcknowledged9th October
East Sussex Downs and Weald PCTspctc.foi@nhs.netSee NHS SussexDocx23rd June
Eastern and Coastal Kent PCTfoi@nhs.netResponded18th July
Enfield PCTfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukSee North Central London9th October
Gateshead PCTFOI@sotw.nhs.ukSee South of Tyne and Wear
Gloucestershire PCTPCT.FreedomofInformation@glos.nhs.ukRespondedDocx16th August
Great Yarmouth and Waveney PCTgyw-pct.FOI@nhs.netRespondedText3rd July
Greenwich Teaching PCTmargaret.benbow@nhs.netRespondedPDF27th June
Halton and St Helens PCTNHSM.FoI@liverpoolpct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Hammersmith and Fulham North West London
Hampshire Acknowledged9th October
Haringey Teaching PCTfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukSee North Central London9th October
Harrow North West London23rd June
Hartlepool PCTfoi@tees.nhs.ukSee NHS Tees (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Hastings and Rother PCTspctc.foi@nhs.netSee NHS SussexDocx23rd June
Havering PCTfoi@nelft.nhs.ukSee North East London
Heart Of Birmingham Teaching PCTbham-solihull.foi@nhs.netSee Birmingham and Solihull (Joint Trust)Text16th August
Herefordshire PCTfoilead@hertfordshire.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Hertfordshire PCTFOILead@hertfordshire.nhs.ukAcknowledged10th OctoberRecommends Council & Partnership Trust too
Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale PCTElaine.Bottomley@hmr.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Hillingdon North West London
Hounslow North West London
Hull Teaching PCTEroy-pct.FOI@nhs.netSee Humber
Isle Of Wight NHS PCTFreedomofInformation@iow.nhs.ukRespondedDoc16th August
Islington PCTfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukSee North Central London9th October
Kensington and Chelsea North West London
Kingston PCTfoi@swlondon.nhs.ukSee South West London25th June
Kirklees PCTEnquiries@kirklees.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Knowsley PCTNHSM.FoI@liverpoolpct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Lambeth PCTmargaret.benbow@nhs.netRespondedPDF28th June
Leeds PCTfoi.enquiry@leedspct.nhs.ukResponded18th July
Leicester City PCTlcfoi@leics.nhs.ukResponded19th July
Leicestershire County and Rutland PCTlcfoi@leics.nhs.ukSee Leicester City19th July
Lewisham PCTmargaret.benbow@nhs.netResponded23rd June
Lincolnshire Teaching PCTinformation.governance@lpct.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Liverpool PCTNHSM.FoI@liverpoolpct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Luton PCTDanny.King@luton-pct.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Manchester PCTCatherine.Wilson@manchester.nhs.ukResponded - no information, referred on18th July
Medway (really)RespondedPDF23rd June
Mid Essex PCTme-pct.foi@nhs.netFollowed up10th October
Middlesbrough PCTfoi@tees.nhs.ukSee NHS Tees (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Milton Keynes PCTFoIenquiry@northants.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Newcastle PCTfoi@newcastle-pct.nhs.ukSee North Tyneside25th June
Newham PCTJonathan.Ball@elc.nhs.ukSee North East London (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Norfolk PCTHelen.Jackson@norfolk.nhs.ukRespondedText13th August
North East Essex PCTe.mason1@nhs.netRespondedDoc13th July
North Lancashire Teaching PCTFOI@northlancs.nhs.ukRespondedPDF27th July
North Lincolnshire PCTEroy-pct.FOI@nhs.netContacted9th October
North Somerset
RespondedPDF20th July
North Staffordshire PCTBeki.Pugh@staffordshirecss.nhs.ukResponded25th June
North Tyneside PCTfoi@northoftyne.nhs.ukResponded9th October
North Yorkshire and York PCTnyy-pct.FOI@nhs.netRespondedDoc16th August
Northamptonshire Teaching PCTFoIenquiry@northants.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Nottingham City PCTFreedom.ofInformation@nottinghamcity.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Nottinghamshire County Teaching PCTFOI.Requests2@nottspct.nhs.ukResponded"Contact County Health Partnerships"25th June
Oldham PCTdeborah.waterhouse@nhs.netRespondedPDF18th July
Oxfordshire PCTRachael.Demain@oxfordshirepct.nhs.ukSee BuckinghamshireDoc26th June
Peterborough PCTp-pct.pals@nhs.netRespondedPDF23rd June
Plymouth Teaching PCTaskplymouth@nhs.netAcknowledged9th October
Portsmouth City Teaching PCTfoi@hampshire.nhs.ukSee Hampshire
Redbridge PCTfoi@nelft.nhs.ukSee North East London
Redcar and Cleveland PCTfoi@tees.nhs.ukSee NHS Tees (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Richmond and Twickenham PCTfoi@swlondon.nhs.ukSee South West London25th June
Rotherham PCTDeborah.Taylor@rotherham.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
Salford PCTFreedom.ofInformation@salford.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Sandwell PCTCommunications@sandwell-pct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Sefton PCTNHSM.FoI@liverpoolpct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Sheffield PCTshef-pct.foi@nhs.netRespondedText13th January
Shropshire County Contacted9th October
Solihull PCTbham-solihull.foi@nhs.netSee Birmingham and Solihull25th June
Somerset PCTfoi@somerset.nhs.ukRespondedPDF10th July
South Birmingham PCTbham-solihull.foi@nhs.netSee Birmingham and Solihull (Joint Trust)Text16th August
South East Essex PCTAmanda.Shears@see-pct.nhs.ukRespondedText16th August
South Gloucestershire PCTFOI@sglos-pct.nhs.ukResponded - referred on as do not have informationPDF18th July
South Staffordshire PCTBeki.Pugh@staffordshirecss.nhs.ukResponded17th July
South Tyneside PCTFOI@stft.nhs.ukSee South of Tyne and Wear9th October
South West Essex PCT October
Southampton City PCTfoi@hampshire.nhs.ukSee Hampshire
Southwark PCTinforequest@southwarkpct.nhs.ukFollowed up10th October
Stockport PCTsto-pct.FOI@nhs.netReplied - exempt from FOIPDF6th JulyIntended for future publication
Stockton-on-Tees Teaching PCTfoi@tees.nhs.ukSee NHS Tees (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Stoke On Trent PCTBeki.Pugh@staffordshirecss.nhs.ukSee South Staffordshire25th June
Suffolk PCTfoi@suffolkpct.nhs.ukResponded9th October
Sunderland Teaching PCTFOI@sotw.nhs.ukSee South of Tyne and Wear
Surrey PCTFOI@surreypct.nhs.ukRespondedPDF16th August
Sussex PCT ClusterSPCTC.foi@nhs.netRespondedDocx Doc219th July
Sutton and Merton PCTPALS@smpct.nhs.ukSee South West London23rd June
Swindon PCTBarry.Thorp@swindon-pct.nhs.ukResponded24th July
Tameside and Glossop PCTjackiegordon@nhs.netRespondedPDF31st July
Telford and Wrekin PCTFOI@telfordpct.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Tower Hamlets PCTJonathan.Ball@elc.nhs.ukSee North East London (Joint Trust)Doc16th August
Trafford PCTDeb.Hulme@trafford.nhs.ukResponded - referred onDoc3rd July
Wakefield District PCTKirsty.Box@wdpct.nhs.ukRespondedDocx12th July
Walsall Teaching PCTFOI@walsall.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Waltham Forest PCTfoi@nelft.nhs.ukSee North East London
Wandsworth PCTceo1@wpct.nhs.ukSee South West London23rd June
Warrington PCTfreedomofinformation@warrington-pct.ukEmail bounced10th October
Warwickshire PCTWPCT.Enquiries@warwickshire.nhs.ukResponded - very limited informationPDF17th July
West Essex PCTwe-pct.foi@nhs.netSee Mid Essex25th June
West Kent See NHS Kent and Medway23rd June
West Sussex PCTspctc.foi@nhs.netSee NHS SussexDocx Doc223rd June
Western Cheshire PCTfoi@wcheshirepct.nhs.ukResponded9th October
Westminster PCTSee North West London
Wiltshire PCTFOI@wiltshire.nhs.ukRespondedText13th January
Wirral PCTfoi@wirral.nhs.ukContacted9th October
Worcestershirefoirequest@hacw.nhs.ukResponded19th July
Wolverhampton City Try July
NHS Wales
Cardiff & ValeAnn.Morgan4@wales.nhs.ukRespondedPDF31st July
University Health BoardGaynor.Gould@wales.nhs.ukRespondedPDF30th July
Bevan Health BoardBryony.Codd@wales.nhs.ukRespondedPDF20th July
Cwm Taf Local Health
Responded20th July
Hywel Da Health BoardFOI.HywelDda@wales.nhs.ukResponded20th July
ABM Health BoardFOIA.Requests@wales.nhs.ukRespondedPDF19th July
NHS Scotland
Dumfries and July
Western Isleswi-hb.FOI-requests@nhs.netResponded - referred to individual GP practices16th August
Ayrshire and August
FifeFife-UHB.foirequestfife@nhs.netRespondedDoc16th August
Forth ValleyFV-UHB.freedomofinformation@nhs.netRespondedPDF27th July
RespondedPDF23rd July
Greater Glasgow & August July August
HighlandsHigh-UHB.FOIRequestsHighland@nhs.netRespondedDOCX16th August July
Orkneyork-HB.FOIRequests@nhs.netRespondedDoc Doc25th July
Taysideinformationgovernance.tayside@nhs.netContacted9th October
Shetlandshet-hb.foi@nhs.netRespondedPDF25th July
NHS Northern Ireland
Western Health and Social Care Trustfoi.request@westerntrust.hscni.netResponded17th July
Belfast Health and Social Care Trustarlene.hanna@belfasttrust.hscni.netRespondedPDF9th July
Southern Health and Social Care TrustLindsey.McKenzie@southerntrust.hscni.netRespondedPDF9th July
South Eastern TrustFOI.Request@setrust.hscni.netRespondedPDF23rd July
Northern TrustBrian.Knox@northerntrust.hscni.netResponded20th July
NHS London
East London and the Cityfoi@elc.nhs.ukNot contacted23rd June
North West - referred to individual service providers29th June
North Central Londonfoi@nclondon.nhs.ukAcknowledged9th October
North East Londonfoi@nelft.nhs.ukRespondedDoc16th August
Joint Trusts
North of Tynefoi@newcastle-pct.nhs.ukRespondedPDF11th July
North info - contact individual providers29th June
South of Tyne and Wearfoi@sotw.nhs.ukResponded16th August
Teesfoi@tees.nhs.ukCovers NHS Hartlepool, NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton on Tees.Doc16th August
HumberEroy-pct.FOI@nhs.netNHS Hull
NHS North Lincolnshire
NHS East Riding of Yorkshire
North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus
Birmingham and Solihullbham-solihull.foi@nhs.netCovers Heart of Birmingham PCT, NHS Birmingham East and North, NHS South Birmingham and Solihull PCTText16th August

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