Information from the Northamptonshire Autism Self Assessment which was completed by the Local Authority in 2011:
There is no reliable locally collected data on the actual numbers of people with Adult Social Care available in Northamptonshire (JSNA). Estimated prevalence rates are provided by the PANSI system. The PANSI system provides estimated population prevalence rates for adults aged 18-64 predicated to have autistic spectrum disorders based on the Office for National Statistics population projections and prevalence research which estimates the prevalence at 1% of the population. Predictions: 2010 – 4,455, 2015 – 4,641.
Two-thirds of the ADHD and Aspergers Team referrals are for adults requiring a diagnostic assessment – therefore, many people have not been identified as having Aspergers Syndrome during their childhood, a condition they have had since birth. The team’s assumption is that there are approximately 6,000 people with Autism in Northamptonshire (based on a 1% prevalence rate) and approximately 2,000 with Aspergers Syndrome.
As such, with a prevalence rate of around 1 in 100, we must assume that of the 100,000 or so school age children in Northamptonshire, around 1,000 are on the autistic spectrum.
a)ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Asperger’s Team:The service is provided by Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
The team operates countywide, providing detailed assessments and diagnosis for adults suspected of having:
- Asperger’s syndrome
- Tourettes
The team works with individuals who are:
- Aged 18yrs + (16 -18 will depend upon individuals specific needs )
- With a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of ADHD, Asperger’s or Tourettes.
Making a referral:
The team do NOT accept self referrals. Referrals can be made via either:
- GP
- Health Professionals
- Secondary service such as a member of the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) or Social Services
Next steps:
Once referral has been made to the team, and it is deemed eligible for assessment the person will be asked to attend a screening appointment.
The screening appointment enables the team to decide whether full assessment is required. It also gives the Team chance to gain further information and discuss assessment with the person. If full assessment is required the person will be placed on the waiting list.
Once the person reaches the top of the waiting list, a letter will be sent asking the person to contact the team to arrange the first appointment.
Assessment and Diagnosis is made by one of the Clinical Psychologists.The diagnosis will happen over at least 2 appointments.
Once assessment is complete the person is invited for a feedback session with the diagnostician and a written report will be completed.
In the feedback session the choice of follow up support sessions will be offered.
Not everyone will require follow up work, therefore depending upon what is agreed the person may be seen by somebody else in the team or involvement with the team will end. Only a limited number of follow up appointments can be offered
The Local Authority is the lead agency for autism. The contact with regards to autism is John Wannop (
There is an e-learning awareness package which is aimed at police, probation, magistrates and crown prosecution service. It aims to raise awareness of the needs of people with learning disabilities, mental health, autism and associated disorders. This package was co-produced with people with autism/Aspergers.
The ADHD and Asperger’s Team offer awareness training to GP’s, psychiatrists and other health staff.
NHS Northamptonshire held a consultation workshop with regards to people with learning disabilities who have autism as part of their ‘Big Health Day’ in July 2011.
Short breaks for children and young people in targeted settings:
These are either provided directly by Northamptonshire County Council or funded by the Council and provided under contract by a school or third sector organisation. There are Holiday and Saturday Clubs specifically for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Further information about the range of short breaks and opportunities and how to access them is:
- available on the Northamptonshire County Council website
- accessible by contacting the Family Information Service
- published in the SNIX News (also available on the website)
The county council is restructuring and the contact details for the old team have just ceased, while the new team will be properly established from September 1st 2012.
Until then, Donna Perry is the county council contact for this (
ADHD and Asperger’s Team
St Mary’s Hospital
77 London Road
NN15 7PW
Telephone: 01536 494824
Public website:
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Kind regards,
Jennifer Hart
Freedom of Information Officer