See also Autism Provision by NHS Primary Care Trust 2012.
Dear Ms McCulloch
Freedom of Information Act 2000
I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the PCT under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You asked for information relating to Autistic Spectrum Disorder
In response to your request please find below the following response:
1. How many adults you have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (any, although if there are separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA, they would be appreciated) in your area;
2. How many children;
23 children were given a diagnosis between April 2011- March 2012
3. What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children;
Kirklees multiagency ASD Diagnostic team (hosted by CAMHs)
4. What agencies or teams you have that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc.
Local Authority education services have the KAOS team who work with children and young people diagnosed with autism.
5. An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible.
Kirklees Psychology and Specialist Outreach Team CAMHS website at
6. What the typical process should be for an adult in your area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support.
not our remit
Yours sincerely
Victor Thompson
Head of Patient Safety and Risk