Dear Ms McCulloch
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, I have pleasure in providing the following information in relation to NHS Bury (Bury PCT).

1.   1. How many adults you have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (any, although if there are separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA, they would be appreciated) in your area;

NHS Bury does not collect numbers of people with ASD and they are usually recorded under LD or MH. However, we will be implementing a new system in Autumn 2012 (protocol) which will enable data to be recorded. Social Care have recorded the numbers of people with ASD on a personal budget although these are still quite low (27 people). We are also working with our data intelligence team to extract numbers of people know to GP Practices with a diagnosis of ASD (based on READ Codes).  For the Bury Autism strategy we will use prevalence figures of 1% of the population which for adults in Bury is 1,139 people.

2. How many children?

There is no central co-ordination of figures for the number of children diagnosed with ASD. See comments above re: future plans.

3. What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children;

a). Adults current access diagnostic services out of area (Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, Asperger Syndrome Service) which offers out-patient assessment clinics for the diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and other Autistic Spectrum Conditions. We are however currently working with partners to discuss how we develop a diagnostic pathway for adults. We have a lead GP for mental health (who’s remit also covers Learning Disabilities and ASD) who has been identified as the ASD diagnostic lead in Bury. He will be integral to the development of the pathway.


b). Diagnostic services are available for children in Bury however there is no single point of referral where ASD is being queried. The majority of formal diagnoses are offered by the Department of Paediatrics and by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. In addition however, there is a business planning group looking at developing a more streamlined integrated approach to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of ASD in Bury over the next 3 months.


4. What agencies or teams you have that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc.

NHS Bury does not provide specific services for adults with autism at the moment although specialised services and support can be purchased via a personal budget (via social care).  The Community Learning disability Team provide Autism Awareness training to a number of both health and social care in-house and independent sector providers. 

5. An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible.

Karen Prestage, Community Learning Disability Team, Clinical Team Manager, Learning Disability Team Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust email:


6. What the typical process should be for an adult in your area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support.

This is in development. See question 3b.

I trust this information is of assistance to you.

Kind regards
Glenn Mosoph
Complaints & FOI Manager
T: 0161 762 3127