See also Autism Provision by NHS Primary Care Trust 2012.


Dear Ms. McCulloch

Freedom of Information Enquiry


Thank you for your recent enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act. Please find your response detailed below.


Requesters Question and Trust Response:




1.    How many adults you have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (any, although if there are separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA, they would be appreciated) in your area;

We do not currently hold a register for this information but the Health Needs Assessments for 2011 indicating the following:-


2011 Health Needs Assessment Autism Aspergers Syndrome High Function Autism Total
Central Bedfordshire 2552 918 893 4363
Bedford Borough 1607 578 562 2747


2.    How many children;


NHS Bedfordshire does not have a record of numbers of children with ASD


Diagnosis is usually led by Paediatricians as part of a multi disciplinary assessment, working from the Child Development Centre in Kempston and the Edwin Lobo centre in Luton. Children’s Mental health services will lead on diagnosis where there is co morbidity with a mental health problem.


Services that work with children with ASD include. Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Team, Paediatrics, Health Visitors, Special School Nurses, CAMHS, CAMHS Learning disability team.


For this information please redirect your enquiry to



3.    What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children;


Adults diagnostic is commissioned through a contract with South London & Waudsley, for Adults with a learning disability diagnosis is provided by South Essex Partnership Trust. We are currently negotiating for a local assessment and diagnosis service to be in place in Bedfordshire.


4.    What agencies or teams you have that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc.


Autism Bedfordshire – 1:1 support and a range of courses

SEPT – provide intensive support team for people with Mental Health or behaviour which Challenge.  Each local authority in Bedfordshire has a joint strategy with health and there are 4 fulfilling lives partnership which take place each year to review progress against the strategy and their implementation plan.  There is a group of commissioners across each local authority and health body which are responsible for delivering the recommendation within the strategy.


The contact for NHS Bedfordshire for the Fulfilling Life Strategy is Michelle Bradley –


5.    An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible.


Mike Osborne –



6.    What the typical process should be for an adult in your area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support.


GP make a referral to the Secondary Mental Health Provider or contact Christine Garrett’s team – – Individual funding who will authorise the request and GP can then liaise with SLAM.



If you disagree with our decision or are otherwise dissatisfied with how we have dealt with your request in the first instance you may approach our Board Secretary in writing:


Jo Grizzell

Head of Governance and Risk

NHS Bedfordshire and Luton