Dear Sarah,
Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am now in a position to respond on behalf of NHS MK. I am still in the process of gathering the information for NHS Northants, I will forward this to you as soon as it is available to me. Please accept my apologies for the delay.
1. How many adults you have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (any, although if there are separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA, they would be appreciated) in your area;
NHS Milton Keynes – As at today there are 100 adults (18+) who have been identified by CTALD (Community Team for Adults with Learning Disability) as having an autistic spectrum disorder. This includes people identified as on the spectrum by members of our team with specialist autism expertise as well as those formally diagnosed by the AADS (Autism Assessment & Diagnosis Service).
2. How many children;
Milton keynes – I can only provide you with numbers of children with a diagnosis of ASD who are subject of a statement of SEN. This number is 131. However, there will be a number of children who have a diagnosis of ASD who on the SEN register. We cannot make assumptions if they have a diagnosis or not as we have no way of recording this and it is not a requirement of the school to do this.
3. What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children;
Milton Keynes – There are <5 people under 18 who have been identified by CTALD as having autistic spectrum disorder. PLASC data (from schools) as at 23/2/11 (the most recent data I have) identified 119 pupils in year groups 7-14 with a statement of special educational need whose primary need was identified as autistic spectrum condition.
4. What agencies or teams you have that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc. 

Milton keynes – A number of agencies support children with ASD:Special Educational Needs Disability Inclusion Service (SENDIS)Education Psychology Service (EPS)

And all of the Services within Children and Families.

  1. We have an adult Autism Assessment and Diagnosis Services (AADS) hosted by the Community Team for Adult s with Learning Disabilities but with involvement from other health and social care staff.
  2. We have an Autism Partnership Board that takes an overview on all adult autism services and contributes to the development of local strategy. Its members include people with ASC, family carers and representatives of statutory, voluntary and private organisations.
  3. In addition to the above a number of specialist providers work in Milton Keynes. They include Autism Care UK, Abi Homes and the Disability Trust. Some national providers of learning disability and autism services provide support to people with autism in MK. They include MacIntyre and Choice Support.
5. An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible. 

Links to the AADS service and to the Autism Partnership Board can be found on the MK Autism website Many of the providers are also linked into the website.

6. What the typical process should be for an adult in your area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support.

GPs can refer to the AADS team, using a screening tool. As part of the diagnostic process people are informed of their right to a Community Care Assessment if they do not already have one. Health and social care services follow the diagnosis/assessment if people are eligible

I trust you find this information useful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further assistance. I have attached a copy of the Trust’s leaflet on how we deal with Freedom of Information requests, should you require any additional information about the process.

Please note that any re-use of this information will be subject to the ‘Re-use of Public sector Information regulations.’ Please contact the Freedom of Information Officer for further information.


Kind regards,

Jennifer Hart 

Freedom of Information Officer